Laboratoire Temps Espace

The mastery of time and expertise in space


Setting up the Laboratoire Temps Espace

The Laboratoire Temps Espace (LTE) was created on January 1, 2025. It is the result of the merger of two former Paris Observatory entities: SyRTE (Système de références du temps et de l’espace) and IMCCE (Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides). The organization has changed, but the research activities are continuing, and the themes of both have been maintained.



The Laboratoire Temps Espace is dedicated to the study and realization of space-time reference systems and their applications to fundamental physics tests, using astrometry, Earth and Moon rotation analysis, time and frequency metrology; it also carries out scientific research in the fields of atomic interferometry and quantum inertial sensors, celestial mechanics, dynamical systems and astronomy. In particular, it aims to improve knowledge of the solar system and its exploration, and carries out research directly necessary to its public service mission. It is also involved in the history of science as it relates to astronomy.


Featured projects


The ESA ACES-PHARAO space program is the fruit of collaboration between several European organizations and laboratories. ACES-PHARAO is a space mission whose aim is to produce a time scale on board the International Space Station, for comparison with ground-based time scales produced by various metrological institutes. LTE is heavily involved in the production and processing of data for this mission.


All projects

European projects

Space and scientific projects

Instrumental projects

Our service missions

The Laboratoire Temps Espace is responsible for designing and distributing French legal time and solar system ephemerides, two societal missions entrusted to Paris Observatory by the French government.



Find out how the laboratory is organized: activities, staff and services.


Find us

LTE is located on the Paris Observatory site.

Postal address
61, av. de l’Observatoire
75014 PARIS

77, avenue Denfert-Rochereau
75014 Paris

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